PMP Exam Practice Questions

We’ve selected FREE PMP exam practice questions for you from the web and other sources. Each practice quiz includes a set of questions with four options for answers. Select the most appropriate answer. To start a particular quiz, select your choice from among the quizzes below and then click Start Now. You’ll have a defined amount of time to complete all answers. Enjoy these PMP Exam Practice Questions!

Practice Quizzes

Practice Quizzes

# Description Number of Questions Time (minutes)
1 PMP Practice Quiz 1 20 20
2 PMP Practice Quiz 2 20 20
3 PMP Practice Quiz 3 20 20
4 PMP Practice Quiz 4 20 20
5 PMP Practice Quiz 5 20 20
6 PMP Practice Quiz 6 20 20
7 PMP Practice Quiz 7 50 60

Knowledge Areas

Knowledge Areas

# Description Number of Questions Time (minutes)
1 Project Management Framework 30 30
2 Project Management Processes 25 25
3 Integration Management 31 31
4 Scope Management 32 32
5 Time Management 30 30
6 Cost Management 30 30
7 Quality Management 31 31
8 Human Resource Management 30 30
9 Communications Management 30 30
10 Risk Management 30 30
11 Procurement Management 34 34
12 Stakeholder Management 26 26
13 Code of Ethics 30 30

Practice Exams

Practice Exams

# Description Number of Questions Time (minutes)
1 PMP Practice Exam 200 240

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