
With business going around the globe, work performed to meet these business goals is also going around the globe.  With innovations all over andever-changing stakeholders in such a Volatile, Uncertain, complex, and Ambiguous environment, it is becoming increasingly difficult to efficiently and effectively perform in such business environment

Program management is increasingly recognized as a skill that enable organization and individuals achieve strategic goals and induced organization transformations in high level of uncertain and ambiguous business environment.

The program manager has significant responsibilities and must maintain a strong collective strategic vision. They supervise project managers, ensuring commitment and satisfaction of stakeholders and ensure that the benefits are obtained and transferred to operations in a sustainable manner.

The PMI-PgMP®, Program Management Professional credential recognizes advanced experience, skill and performance in the oversight of multiple, related projects and their resources aligned with an organizational objective.  PMI-PgMP® credential holders oversee the success of a program – a way to group multiple, related projects to achieve benefits that may not be realized if the projects were managed in a standalone fashion.

As project managers advance in their careers, the experience they gain in managing multiple, related projects and making decision that advance strategic and business objectives demonstrates this competence.  As employer’s demand program managers who can support the strategic objectives of the organization, PgMP® credential holders will gain a distinct advantage in employment and promotional opportunities over their peers.  This also help project managers expand career development opportunities.

This is an integrated and comprehensive course to help participant to understand program management as per PMI standard, discuss with others, develop an effective PgMP application, prepare and take the exam for a successful PMI-PgMP® certification.

Select and Register for PgMP Exam Preparation Bootcamp

Scheduled through Pearson Vue Exam Center Website.

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Key Features of PMI-PgMP Exam Preparation

Training Objective

  • To equip participants with program management knowledge as defined by PMI (Project Management Institute, USA) Standard for Program Management 4th Edition (SPMv4) and preparation towards passing the PMI PgMP® exam.


  • Discussion oriented classroom training – designed for 4 days with 8 hours/day
  • PgMP application review assistance with templates, samples and leading questions
  • 2000+ questions through online simulator, organized into domain specific practice questions
  • Study plan support
  • 24 professional development units (24 PDUs) as per the PMI system guidelines
  • Course completion certificate
  • Mail/Phone/chat support till passing the exam

Standards and References: Not Included, PMI Members can download free of cost

  • PMI – Project Management Institute, USA: PMBOK v7 (Project Management Body of Knowledge – Version 7)
  • PMI – Project Management Institute, USA: Managing Change in Organizations – A practice guide

Resources and Material Provided in Class

  • Project Victor Course Material.
  • Standard for Program Management – SPMv4/5.
  • PgMP® ECO – Examination Content Outline.

Target Audience

  • Program managers, who manage multiple related projects, operational component and have an overview of Project Management methodology as in PMI PMBOK.
  • Project managers who have passion to understand program management and advance career options
  • Continuous attendance to the sessions to develop comprehensive understanding of the program management as program management is iterative and integrating.  If any sessions are missed, participants can catch-up with provided recorded video.

Mentor Profile

  • Overall 25+ years industry experience 15+ years of Portfolio, Program, and project management in systems engineering, service delivery management and production support & maintenance.
  • Managing a program of 1200+ month effort with 80+ engineer team covering full life cycle from contract negotiation to product sustenance.
  • Trained 450+ PgMP® (PMI – Program Management Professional) and PMI – Project Management Professional, RMP (Risk Management Professional) aspirants across the world.
  • Certified Program Management Professional (PgMP®) and Project Management Professional (PMP). Good working knowledge of ISO9000 and CMMI.
  • Worked in various management roles at global companies – SunMicrosystems, Infineon Technologies, Intec.
  • Telecom BSS solution Delivery management from a team of 180+ engineers to clients across the world.
  • Customer engagement: Pre-sales, proposal preparation, critical reviews, product development, verification, support and maintenance.

Course Outline

Day 1

Introduction to the Workshop

  • Introduction Workshop objectives
  • Overview of PgMP® Certification process
  • Exam analysis and requirements
  • References, Standards
  • Efficient and effective learning

Introduction to Program Management

  • Organisation Vision and Mission
  • Business value
  • Organisation Strategic planning
  • Portfolios, Programs, Projects and Operations
  • Decision making – Program/Project/Portfolio/Operations
  • Program and Project distinctions
  • Program Management
  • Program Management Office
  • Introduction to Exam Content Outline (ECO)
  • Practice questions

Program Management performance domains and life cycle, Integration management

  • Introduction to Program Life Cycle
  • Program management domains
  • Integration Management
  • Program Definition phase activities
  • Program Delivery phase activities
  • Program closure phase activities
  • Practice questions

Program Integration Management, Change management

  • Program initiation
  • Program charter, business case, risk assessment
  • Program management plan development
  • Program Infrastructure development
  • Program delivery management
  • Program performance monitoring and Control
  • Change control process, Issue escalation
  • Program closure phase
  • Practice questions

Program Strategic Alignment

  • Introduction to Program strategic alignment
  • Organizational strategy and program alignment
  • Program selection by portfolio
  • Program Definition phase – Formulation sub-phase activities
  • Practice questions
  • Program charter
  • Program Business case
  • Program Roadmap
  • Environmental assessments and tools
  • Introduction to ECO – Strategic management
  • Practice questions

Day 2

Program Stakeholder engagement

  • Program Stakeholder engagement
  • Wants, needs and expectations
  • Stakeholder identification
  • Stakeholder analysis
  • Stakeholder engagement strategies
  • Stakeholder engagement planning
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Stakeholder Communication
  • Practice questions

Program Benefit management

  • Benefit management terms
  • Benefit delivery models
  • Benefit qualification
  • Balanced scorecard
  • Program Architecture
  • Benefit management life cycle and program life cycle
  • Practice questions
  • Benefit Identification phase
  • Benefit analysis and planning phase
  • Benefit realization plan
  • Benefit register
  • Benefit delivery phase
  • Benefits transition phase
  • Benefit Sustenance phase
  • Practice questions

Workshop Assignments
Program Governance

  • Introduction to Program governance
  • Program Governance – Responsibilities
  • Typical program organisation set-up
  • Program Governance – plan
  • Practice questions
  • Providing management oversight – Phase gate, health check, and other decision point reviews
  • Component Initiation and transition
  • Program Management Information Systems, KMS
  • Audit support
  • Governance of components
  • Practice questions

PMI-PgMP application development overview

  • Application overview
  • Guidelines to develop experience summary

Program management supporting activities

  • Overview of the supporting activities
  • Program formulation sub-phase activities
  • Program planning sub-phase activities
  • Program delivery phase activities
  • Program closure phase activities

Day 3

 Program Communication Management

  • Program communication Assessment, Communication planning, Information Distribution
  • Performance reporting
  • Practice questions

Program Finance Management

  • Program cost assessment, Program financial framework establishment
  • Program financial management planning
  • Component costing
  • Program financial monitoring and tracking
  • Financial closure
  • Practice questions

Program Quality Management

  • Program Quality planning
  • Program quality assurance
  • Program quality control
  • Practice questions

Program Procurement Management

  • Program procurement assessment, planning
  • Program procurement
  • Program procurement administration
  • Program procurement closure
  • Practice questions

Program Scope Management

  • Program Scope assessment, planning
  • PWBS, Scope statement
  • Program Scope control
  • Practice questions

Program Schedule Management

  • Program Schedule assessment and planning
  • Program schedule development
  • Program schedule control
  • Practice questions

Program Risk Management

  • Program risk assessment, profiling, and planning
  • Program risk identification and analysis
  • Program risk response planning, strategies
  • Program risk monitoring and control
  • Program risk transition
  • Practice questions

Program Information Management

  • Program Information assessment, planning
  • Program Information management
  • Program information transition
  • Practice questions

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