
In the process of being able to identify risk, it is an important Project Management tool to be able to identify certain indicators, or triggers, in order to anticipate risk before it becomes an issue. A deliberate method is employed to both identify and monitor risk. During this risk identification process, triggers are identified. And these triggers are tracked during the risk monitoring and control process. This system of checks and balances provides Project Management methods for keeping a close watch of risk and its triggers. These triggers, sometimes also referred to as risk symptoms or warning signs, are identified early enough during this risk identification process to be closely observed. Once they are identified, then they are scrutinized in the risk monitoring and control process, thus adding a series of quality assurance and quality control to risk management. As it is critical during Project Management that risk is managed appropriately, being able to control those triggers is pertinent to efficient operations. This process is designed to do just that. Once this process is implemented and is operational, risk management will become considerably easier.

Last Update: December 3, 2024
July 27, 2017 35 Project VictorRisk Management
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