
The process of directing and managing project execution takes place at various phases in the life cycle of a given project. Specifically, the direct and manage project execution process refers to the actual process of executing the individual work components that are required to advance the process of the project’s development. The ultimate goal of directing and managing the project’s execution of to guide the project to the ultimate goal of fulfilling and meeting the predetermined and pre-set requirements that was set forth by the buyer at the onset of the project. The act of directing and managing project execution can be conducted only by the project leader, or it may be something that is assigned to individual team members to manager individual components, or it may be conducted by the project team as a whole. However, regardless, a clean and efficient execution of the direction and management of a project is essential.

Last Update: December 3, 2024
July 27, 2017 32 Project VictorIntegration Management
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