
The Incremental Life Cycle is one of several project management life cycles that project managers can choose from based on project needs. It is particularly suited for projects where the complete product cannot be delivered all at once and instead requires progressive development and delivery of functional components. Here, the scope is defined early in the cycle, but costs and time estimates may evolve as the project progresses. The end product is built incrementally, with each addition enhancing its functionality.

What Is the Incremental Life Cycle?

In the Incremental Life Cycle, the project delivers a product in increments or builds. Each increment adds functionality to the product, progressing toward the final deliverable. Testing and implementation occur at each stage, ensuring that every increment works independently while contributing to the larger system.

Key Features:

  • Early Deliverables: Functional parts of the product are delivered early, which can be useful to stakeholders.
  • Progressive Development: Each increment is designed, implemented, and tested before the next is added.
  • Flexibility: Modifications can be made during later increments without disrupting completed ones.

Example in Software Development:
Developing a customer relationship management (CRM) system incrementally:

  1. Build 1: Basic contact database.
  2. Build 2: Add email integration.
  3. Build 3: Include advanced analytics and reporting.

What Is the Iterative Life Cycle?

In the Iterative Life Cycle, the project activities (e.g., planning, design, implementation) are repeated in cycles or iterations, refining the product with each cycle based on feedback and evolving understanding.

Key Features:

  • Repeated Cycles: Activities like design and testing are revisited in each iteration.
  • Evolutionary Refinement: The product evolves over time as feedback improves the team’s understanding.
  • Partial Completion: The complete functionality is not delivered in a single iteration but developed over multiple cycles.

Example in Product Development:
Designing a mobile app iteratively:

  1. Iteration 1: Prototype a basic user interface.
  2. Iteration 2: Refine interface based on user feedback.
  3. Iteration 3: Add additional features and further polish.

Key Differences Between Iterative and Incremental Life Cycles

Aspect Iterative Life Cycle Incremental Life Cycle
Focus Refining and improving the product over multiple cycles. Adding functional increments to build the final product.
Delivery No complete deliverable until final iteration. Partial, functional deliverables are provided at each increment.
Feedback Incorporation Feedback shapes future iterations. Feedback applies to new increments but does not affect past ones.
Approach Revisits phases like design and testing repeatedly. Completes phases for each increment before moving to the next.

Agile as a Combination of Iterative and Incremental

Agile project management combines both iterative and incremental life cycles to deliver products that are both progressively developed and refined. Agile frameworks, such as Scrum or Kanban, use short iterations called sprints, each delivering an increment of the product.

How Agile Combines Both:

  1. Iterative:
    • Agile revisits and refines the product during each sprint based on user feedback.
    • Example: Regular updates to a user interface.
  2. Incremental:
    • Agile delivers functional pieces of the product incrementally, with each sprint adding value.
    • Example: First sprint delivers a login feature, the second adds payment functionality.

Hybrid Project Life Cycles

A Hybrid Life Cycle integrates elements from both predictive (Waterfall) and adaptive (Agile) approaches. It allows teams to leverage the structure and stability of traditional methods while incorporating the flexibility of Agile.

Key Features:

  • Customizable Approach: Tailored to the project’s complexity and requirements.
  • Predictive Phases: Early stages like planning and scope definition follow a predictive approach.
  • Adaptive Execution: Later stages, such as development and testing, adopt Agile principles.

Example in Construction Projects:

  1. Predictive Phase: Plan and design a building using traditional methods.
  2. Adaptive Phase: Use Agile for interior design, allowing client input and iterative refinements.

Comparison of Life Cycles

Aspect Predictive (Waterfall) Iterative Incremental Agile Hybrid
Approach Sequential, fixed plan. Repeated refinements. Functional additions. Combination of iterative and incremental. Mix of predictive and adaptive.
Flexibility Low Medium Medium High Medium-High
Feedback Minimal Incorporated iteratively. Used for new increments. Continuous in every sprint. Depends on phase.
Deliverables Delivered at the end. Evolved over iterations. Delivered in increments. Delivered iteratively and incrementally. Depends on methodology.
Examples Building construction. App interface refinement. CRM system development. Mobile app via sprints. Construction with Agile interiors.

Illustrative Examples

1. Incremental Life Cycle

  • Industry: Software Development
  • Scenario: A video-streaming platform.
    • Increment 1: Build a basic video library system.
    • Increment 2: Add user registration and login features.
    • Increment 3: Enable payment gateway for subscriptions.

2. Iterative Life Cycle

  • Industry: Product Design
  • Scenario: Developing an electric bike.
    • Iteration 1: Create a prototype with basic features.
    • Iteration 2: Refine the battery system based on testing feedback.
    • Iteration 3: Improve the bike’s design for better ergonomics.

3. Agile Life Cycle

  • Industry: Marketing
  • Scenario: Launching a campaign.
    • Sprint 1: Create and test social media ads.
    • Sprint 2: Refine ad content based on user engagement data.
    • Sprint 3: Add promotional videos and optimize based on feedback.

4. Hybrid Life Cycle

  • Industry: Healthcare
  • Scenario: Developing a hospital management system.
    • Predictive: Define overall requirements and scope.
    • Adaptive: Develop and test specific modules (e.g., billing or patient records) iteratively.


Understanding the differences between incremental, iterative, and other project life cycles helps project managers choose the right approach for their projects. The incremental life cycle is ideal for delivering functional parts early, while the iterative life cycle focuses on refining a product through repeated cycles. Agile combines both to deliver refined, functional products rapidly, while hybrid models offer flexibility by blending predictive and adaptive approaches.

Selecting the appropriate life cycle ensures project success, balancing flexibility, control, and stakeholder satisfaction.

Last Update: December 2, 2024
July 26, 2017 88 Project VictorProject Lifecycle
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