Activity attributes typically refers to the specific components that make up an activity. These can include descriptive factors of the activity at the onset, or can also refer specific characteristics that may become relevant at a later phase of an activity (i.e.,, When step 4 is complete, then the activity attributes will change to X, and step 5 involves addressing X). Activity attributes can be (and ideally should be) sorted, organized, and/or summarized according to some specific categories. Some types of activity attributes can include those related to time needed to complete specific components, costs related to completion of an activity or of some specific components, activity codes, responsible persons and/or persons involved in the activity, specific locations in which the activity may be taking place, and/or other miscellaneous categories into which these attributes can be conveniently and appropriately organized. Activity attributes can also include discussion of specific constraints that may make completion more difficult.
Activity Attributes
Updated on July 27, 2017